Now, lets start drawing a line. Hold down the Shift button, and keep it down. After you have a starting point. This tutorial shows you how to draw straight lines with GIMP.

Forcing a line to be straight is a convenient way to deal with the imprecision of a mouse or tablet. How to draw a straight line in Gimp. By Alvin Alexander.
Grab a painting tool like the Pencil, or Paintbrush. Choose the appropriate tool settings for the brush in. In GIMP, select your preferred brush tool, click the point that begins your line, hold the Shift key, and drag your cursor to where you want the line to.

You can hold Ctrl key with Shift to restrict the angle of the straight line to multiples of 15°. In this tutorial i will show you how to draw a straight line with Gimp without trying to follow your mouse and. Quick guide on how to draw straight lines inside of GIMP. Shows how to use Brush Tool, Pencil Tool, Guides.